iridio studio Apps

Moscow Metro (russian) 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Moscow offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Moscow subway.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all that you need.Isn't it?Автоматический перевод:Карта метро Москвы в автономном режиме.Если вы не в вашей собственной стране, вы, вероятно, нуждаются вавтономном карту московского метро.Эта карта является простым изображения, и мы думаем, что это все,что вам нужно. Не так ли?
London Underground 1.1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of London offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of London Tube (metro).This map is a simple image, and we think that's all that you need.Isn't it?
Beijing Metro 1.2.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Beijing (Pekin) offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Madrid subway.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all that you need.Isn't it?
Tokyo Metro English 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Tokyo offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Tokyo subway.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all that you need.Isn't it?
Athens Metro 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Athens offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Athens subway.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all what you need.Isn't it?
Mexico City Metro 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Mexico Cityoffline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Mexico City underground.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all that you need.Isn't it?
Saint Petersburg Metro Russian 1.0
iridio studio
Map of the Metro of Saint Petersburg offline.And in russian.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Saint Petersburg subway.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we think that'sall what you need. Isn't it?Автоматический перевод:Карта метро Санкт-Петербурга в автономном режиме. А в России.Если вы не в своей собственной стране, вы, вероятно, нуждаются вавтономном режиме карта Санкт-Петербурга метро.Эта карта являетсяпростой образ метро, ​​и мы думаем, что это все,что вам нужно. Не так ли?
Lisbon Metro 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Lisbon offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Lisbon Underground.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we think that'sall what you need. Isn't it?
München (Munich) Metro 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Metro (actually Schnellbahnnetz) ofMunich offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Münchn subway.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we think that'sall what you need. Isn't it?
Rome Metro (offline) 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Metro of Rome offline, also calledRoma Metropolitana.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Rome subway.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we think that'sall what you need. Isn't it?
Berlin U-Bahn 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway (metro) of Berlinoffline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Berlin U-Bahn and S-Bahn.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all that you need.Isn't it?
Santiago Metro 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Santiago de Chileoffline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Santiago subway.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all that you need.Isn't it?Mapa del metro de Santiago de Chile offline.Si tienes una cantidad de Gigabytes contratados, probablementenecesites un mapa offline del metro de Santiago.Este mapa es simplemente una imagen, como la que podrías obtenersacando una foto, pero perfectamente encuadrada, legible, ydirectamente accesible desde un icono.Creemos en la filosofía de mantener simples las cosas. Si un mapade papel ha servido toda la vida, para que complicarse conaplicaciones complejas que "calculan" la mejor ruta. Un humano (tú)lo haces mejor.
Vienna U-Bahn 1.2.2
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Wien offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Wien metro.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all what you need.Isn't it?
Budapest Metro 1.2
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Budapest offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Budapest subway.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all what you need.Isn't it?
Nagoya subway (offline) 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Metro of Nagoya offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Nagoya underground.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we think that'sall what you need. Isn't it?
Metro Madrid (offline) 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Madrid offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Madrid subway.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all that you need.Isn't it?Mapa del metro de Madrid offline.Si tienes una cantidad de GigaBytes contratados, probablementenecesites un mapa offline del metro de MadridEste mapa es simplemente una imagen, como la que podrías obtenersacando una foto, pero perfectamente encuadrado, legible, ydirectamente accesible desde un icono.Creemos en la filosofía de mantener simples las cosas. Si un mapade papel ha servido toda la vida, para qué complicarse conaplicaciones complejas que "calculan" la mejor ruta. Un humano (tú)lo haces mejor.
Metro Montreal 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Underground of Montrealoffline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Montreal subway.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we think that'sall what you need. Isn't it?
Buenos Aires Metro 1.2
iridio studio
Map of the Metro of Buenos Aires offline (theycall it Subte).If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Buenos Aires subway (underground or metro).This map is a simple image, and we think that's all what you need.Isn't it?
Sapporo Metro (English) 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Metro of Sapporo offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of XXXXX subway.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we think that'sall what you need. Isn't it?
Kiev Metro (English) 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Underground of Kiev offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of Kiev subway.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we think that'sall what you need. Isn't it?
Rotterdam Metro 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Metro of Rotterdam offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemap of XXXXX subway.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we think that'sall what you need. Isn't it?
Mallorca Hotels 1.0
iridio studio
Reserve your next hotel in Mallorca byyourself. Cut out the middle-man!We have designed the app to work even offline. So if you have apoor internet connection or you cannot even connect or simply youdon't want to connect (roamings, etc.), the app will keepworking.You can filter the accommodation depending of-The kind of accommodation (hotel, apartment, hostel, aparthotel,or rural tourism).-The category (number of stars).-And the speciality (family tourism, open air activities, spa,beach tourism, meetings).If you have already an accommodation in mind and you just wantto check their services, specialities, email, web, or phone number.The apps gives you the possibility to search a concrete one.Then you can check the results in a compact view, designed tosee at a glance all the information about the hotel, thanks to aself-explanatory combination of icons. But if one of them issomewhat unclear just click on it.The database has more than 800 hotels (with 40 informationfields each one), this is 178.538 rooms and the 97% of thetouristic offer of the FH of Mallorca.
Miopia Predictor 1.1
iridio studio
Basándose en estudios estadísticos llevados acabo en pacientes entre 10 y 20 años la aplicación es capaz deestimar la evolución de ese paciente.Los pacientes deberán tener entre 10 y 20 años y sólo podránutilizarse las mediciones realizadas en ese período de la vida delpaciente.Cuantas más mediciones, mejor es la predicción. Es decir,conjuntamente con el valor medio esperado se da un intervalo deerror para el 95% de los casos, este intervalo es más estrechocuantas más mediciones se introduzcan.La aplicación también proporciona una gráfica de la evolución dela miopía en la que se marcan con curvas los intervalos deconfianza del 50% 75% y 95%.IMPORTANTE: Esta aplicación está diseñada para ser utilizadaprincipalmente por médicos oftalmólogos. Se deben interpretar lasaberraciones estadísticas producidas al introducir pocos valores ovalores límite en la aplicación.NO RECOMENDAMOS la compra de la aplicación a no profesionales quepodrían malinterpretar los resultados.Based on statisticalstudies conducted in patients 10 to 20 years the application isable to estimate the evolution of the patient.Patients should be between 10 and 20 years and only themeasurements made during this period of life the patient may beused.The more measurements, the better the prediction. That is,together with the average expected value error range for 95% ofcases are given, this range is narrower few more measurements aremade.The application also provides a graph of the development ofmyopia in which curves are marked with confidence intervals of 50%75% and 95%.IMPORTANT: This application is designed to be used mainly byophthalmologists. Statistics should be interpreted aberrationsproduced by introducing few values ​​or limit values ​​in theapplication.We do not recommend buying non-professional application that maymisinterpret the results.
Haifa Subway 1.0
iridio studio
Map of the Metro of Haifa offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemapof Haifa subway.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we thinkthat'sall what you need. Isn't it?
Hamburg Metro (Bahnlinien) 1.1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway (and otherpublictransportation) of Hamburg offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemapof Hamburg subway.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all what youneed.Isn't it?
Barcelona's Metro 1.0
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Barcelona offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need anofflinemap of Madrid subway.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all thatyouneed. Isn't it?
Delhi Metro 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Delhi offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemapof Delhi subway.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all that youneed.Isn't it?
Bus Mallorca 1.0
iridio studio
Mapa de todas las líneas de autobuses, trenesymetros interurbanos de Mallorca. Como en papel pero en la palmadetu mano. Un acceso rápido y compatibilidad con la mayoríadedispositivos.Creado a partir de los datos oficiales de quienloscomparte de manera libre bajo la siguientelicencia of all buslines,trains and intercity meters Mallorca. As in paper but in thepalmof your hand. A quick access and compatibility with mostdevices.Created from official data who share themfreelyunder the followinglicense
Oslo T-Bane 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Oslo offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemapof Oslo subway.This map is a simple image, and we think that's all that youneed.Isn't it?
Tblisi Metro (offline) 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Subway of Tblisi offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemapof Tblisi underground.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we thinkthat'sall what you need. Isn't it?
Baku (Bakı) Metro 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Metro of Baku (Bakı) offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemapof XXXXX subway.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we thinkthat'sall what you need. Isn't it?
Toronto Subway (offline) 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Metro of Toronto offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemapof Toronto subway.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we thinkthat'sall what you need. Isn't it?
Saint Petersburg Metro offline 1.1
iridio studio
Map of the Metro of XXXXX offline.If you are not in your own country, you probably need an offlinemapof XXXXX subway.This map is a simple image of the underground, and we thinkthat'sall what you need. Isn't it?